Yayasan Konservasi RASI

Environmental Education

Environmental awareness raising campaigns are continuously being conducted since 2000 at all layers of society whether directly or through several media platforms together with school campaigns from elementary to high shools. Environmental education courses were also developed for junior and senior schools, with theoretical practical class materials and are being implemented with 42 Mahakam River schools from the middle to most upstream area of the Mahakam with over 74 teacher trained.

Environmental campaigns were also conducted in coastal villages and islands in Berau, Bontang, Kutai Timur, Mahakam Delta Balikpapan, Penajam Paser utara. Moreover, 352 DVDs with environmental educational presentations, videos, quiz and games have been distributed to junior and senior high schools in 31 provinces on ever major island in Indonesia through collaboration with several governmental fisheries services located throughout Indonesia and non-governmental organizations. A teacher manual with clear content description per meeting and teaching methods, anticipates to instruct new teachers if trained teachers are no longer able to teach for continuity of the program. In addition, the contents can be downloaded from dropbox link: https://bit.ly/3d677lx. Please share the link widely!

Circular economy initiatives have also been initiated with 23 high-schools along the Mahakam and several sustainable products are being created by the pupils that will bring about a positive impact on their local environments. Nine selected videos can be accessed on our Instagram posts from December 2024 and some of these products are for sale

Sustainable Handycrafts

Sustainable handy craft workshops from waste materials have been conducted in the Mahakam and in Maratua Island. Materials used are recycled woods, coconut, but also plastics and cans to spread awareness with youth and women on plastic waste disposal and encourage sustainable ecotourism. RASI also supports local handy craft groups and youth with equipment. You can watch a link by Muara Wis villlage on Su Ayan’s skills to make beautiful carved handy crafts: https://youtu.be/_cPEFl5j2TM

Temporary Plastic Waste Solutions

Additional awareness was raised with 455 families living in floating houses who agreed to stop thrashing in the river if aid was provided in the form of iron rubbish drums for burning thrash, which have now reached 325 pieces and greatly helped to reduce the volume of garbage entering the river (estimated volume of 36 billion cm3 per year for 325 households alone). Because the burning of small amounts of garbage is also not an ideal solution, RASI is looking into more long-term sustainable solutions with the villages that don’t have access to land. At least the habit of trashing plastics into the river has been changed.

Reusable diaper trial studies are also being conducted with selected  20 ‘baby’ households from 10 villages inside the PA, which previously discarded plastic diapers directly in the river.

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