Yayasan Konservasi RASI


Indonesian Bank Account

Bank Account holder: Yayasan Konservasi Rasi Indonesia

Jl. Kesuma Bangsa No. 76 Kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur – 75121

Account Number : 148-00-1739272-4

Swiftcode: BMRIIDJA

Telepon : (0541) 742549

If you consider making a donation, please mention for which of the activities below the donations is meant for and confirm your transfer by email (yk.rasi@gmail.com). THANK YOU!!

International Bank Account

Please mention for which of the activities below the donations is meant for THANK YOU!!

Dolphin & Habitat Protection

Education & Awareness

Donate to Yayasan Konservasi Rasi Indonesia

Donasi ( Rp. 100.000 ) akan mendapatkan kenangan-kenangan sapu tangan khas batik pesut