Yayasan Konservasi RASI



Mahakam Research

Gönner, C., Schwarz, S., Budiono, Kreb, D and  Soeyitno, A. 2014. Waterbirds population Dynamix in the Middle Mahakam Wetlands of East Kalimantan over 23 years.Kukila  17 (2): 20-41.

Jefferson, T.A., Karczmarski, L., Kreb, D., Laidre, K., O’Corry-Crowe, G., Reeves, R.R., Rojas-Bracho, L., Secchi, E., Slooten, E., Smith, B.D., Wang, J.Y. & Zhou, K.2008. Orcaella brevirostris (Mahakam River subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T39428A10237530. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305 /IUCN.UK.2008 .RLTS. T39428A10237530.en

Kreb, D. (1999) Observations on the occurrence of Irrawaddy dolphin, Orcaella brevirostris, in the Mahakam River, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 64, 54–58.

Kreb, D. (2002) Density and abundance of the Irrawaddy dolphin, Orcaella brevirostris, in the Mahakam River of East Kalimantan, Indonesia: a comparison of survey techniques. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement, 10, 85–95.

Kreb, D. (2004) Facultative river dophins: Conservation and social ecology of freshwater and coastal Irrawaddy dolphins in Indonesia. PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam, pp. 1-230

Kreb, D. & Rahadi, K.D. (2004) Living under an aquatic freeway: effects of boats on Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) in a coastal and riverine environment in Indonesia. Aquatic Mammals, 30, 363–375

Kreb, D. & Budiono (2005) Conservation management of small core areas: key to survival of a Critically Endangered population of Irrawaddy river dolphins Orcaella brevirostris in Indonesia. Oryx, 39 (2), 1-11.

Kreb, D. (2004) Abundance of freshwater Irrawaddy dolphins in the Mahakam in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, based on mark-recapture analysis of photo-identified individuals. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 6 (3), 269-277.

Kreb, D. Reeves, R.R., Thomas, P.J. Braulik, G.  and B.D. Smith (2010). Establishing protected areas for Asian freshwater cetaceans as flagship species for integrated river conservation management. Samarinda, 19-24 October 2009. Final Workshop report: Yayasan Konservasi RASI, Samarinda.

Smith, B.D., Beasley, I. & Kreb, D. (2003) Marked declines in populations of Irrawaddy dolphins. Oryx, 37, 401–401.

Smith, B.D., Shore, R.G., Lopez, A., Beasley, I. Gilbert, M., Sokha, K., Kittawattanawong, K., Kreb, D., Moelyono, H., Tun, M.T., Channy, O., Pattnaik, A., Somany, P., Phothitay, C., Sutaria, D. and Tin, T. (2007). Action Plan for the Conservation of Freshwater Populations of Irrawaddy Dolphins. In Status and Conservation of Freshwater Populations of Irrawaddy Dolphins, WCS Working Paper Series 31 (B.D. Smith, R.G. Shore, and A. Lopez, eds.), pp. 9-20, Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY.

Thomas, P.O.,Gulland, F.M., Kreb, D., Ding, W., Smith, B., Malik, M.I., Ryan, G.E., Phay, S. 2019). A review of electrofishing as a potential threat to freshwater cetaceans. Endangered Species Research Volume 39: 207. download at  https://www.int-res.com/journals/esr/specials/marine-vertebrate-bycatch-problems-and-solutions/

Coastal Research




Budiono, Kreb, D., Rafidha A. (2006) Middle Mahakam Conservation Program. Technical report YK-RASI: 2005 Biodiversity surveys in the Middle Mahakam Lakes and Wetlands Area in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Budiono, Syachraini, Kreb, D. (2006) Socio-economic Assessment Surveys in the Middle Mahakam Lakes and Wetlands Area in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, 2005

Budiono, Rafidha A., Kreb D. & Soeyitno A. (2007) Middle Mahakam Conservation Program. Bird diversity surveys and conservation status assessment of the lesser adjutant in the Middle Mahakam Lakes and Wetlands Area in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, 2005-2007. Technical report YK-RASI submitted to Global Nature Fund.

Budiono and Kreb, D. (2009) GNF final report on the community-based reforestation feasibility study of Lake Jempang shores in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Yayasan Konservasi RASI, Samarinda, Indonesia.

Budiono and Kreb, D. (2009) Socializing the protected status of lesser adjutants and other bird species in the Middle Mahakam Area, East Kalimantan, Indonesia with local communities. Technical Report submitted to Stichting M&P WILCON ECOGUIDE FUND.

Budiono and Kreb, D. (2011) Protecting the breeding habitat of the lesser adjutant in the tropical lowland Metau forest, West Kutai District, East Kalimantan. Technical Report submitted to Stichting M&P Wilcon & Eco-guide Funds

Yayasan Konservasi RASI (2005-2022) Annual series of technical Reports: Abundance and threats monitoring of Pesut Mahakam. Only available upon request and stated objective.

D. Kreb, Rosano, R.A., Paisal, Jusmaldi. 2021. Pinger evaluation studies in the Mahakam River, Indonesia July 2020-January 2021.  (Only Available Upon Request)

Kreb, D. & Budiono. 2024. Laporan teknis akhir survei monitoring Pesut Mahakam dan kualitas air pada tahun 2023. Yayasan Konservasi RASI.


Budiono. 2003. Studi keberadaan duyung (Dugong dugon, Muller) di Teluk Balikpapan.Laporan Akhir untuk Gibbon Foundation.

Budiono & Kreb, D. (2004) Biodiversity assessment of cetaceans and mantas near the Berau Islands, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Provisional Final Report for the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).

Kreb, D., Budiono and Pitman, R.L. (2008). Sulawesi Sea Cetacean Project 2007-2008. Final technical report. Conservation and diversity of marine cetaceans in the Berau Archipelago, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Kreb, D., Budiono and Pitman, R.L. (2008). Proyek Cetacea Laut Sulawesi 2007-2008. Perlindungan dan kenanekaragaman hayati laut cetacea laut di Kepulauan Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Laporan Teknis Akhir.

Kreb, D. & Lim, I.S. (2009) Balikpapan Bay Irrawaddy dolphin Project 2008. Final Technical Report. Conservation and diversity of cetaceans in and near Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Kreb, D. 2010. Final technical report on underwater noise mitigation and dolphin monitoring during percussive piling activity by PT DKI in Muara Tempadung, Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan.

Kreb, D. and Rukman, D. 2010. Final Report July, August & November 2009 Surveys. Study of the Irrawaddy dolphin population in Sesayap River, Northeast Kalimantan and providing recommendations for its conservation. Yayasan Konservasi/WWF Indonesia/ WWF Germany.

Kreb, D., Budiono, Syachraini (2012).  Final technical report. East Kalimantan Cetacean Conservation Project 2009-2012. Conservation and diversity of cetaceans within a new potential MPA in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Kreb, D., Budiono, Syachraini (2012).  Laporan Teknis Akhir. Proyek Konservasi Cetacea Kalimantan Timur 2009 – 2012 . Konservasi dan Keragaman Cetacea dalam Daerah yang Berpotensi Sebagai Kawasan Konservasi Laut Baru di Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia.

Kreb, D. & Budiono (2013). Preliminary Survey on the Occurrence of Marine Mammals In NW Tunu Seismic Area in the Mahakam Delta of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Technical Report submitted to TEPI.

Kreb, D. & Budiono (2014). Final technical report 2013-2014. Berau Cetacean Conservation Project. Cetacean species identification, distribution and relative abundance in the northern part of Derawan Islands Marine Park .

Kreb, D. & Budiono (2014). Laporan teknis akhir 2013-2014.  Berau Cetacean Conservation Project. Identifikasi, Penyebaran dan Jumlah Relatif Cetacea di DaerahUtara Taman Pesisir Kepulauan Derawan

Kreb, D. Lhota, S.,&  Budiono (2016). Laporan Teknis. Survei lapangan pemetaan keberadaan hewan mamalia laut di Teluk Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur.

Yayasan Konservasi RASI. 2011. Laporan survey. Identifikasi dan inventarisasi calon kawasan konservasi perairan di Teluk Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur. Laporan untuk Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi.

Yayasan Konservasi RASI. 2014. Laporan teknis akhir. Melindungi Cetacea di Kepulauan Berau di Kalimantan Timur melalui peningkatan kepedulian.

Yayasan Konservasi RASI. 2014. Final Technical Report. Protecting the cetaceans of Berau Archipelago in East Kalimantan through establishment of a long-term monitoring network and conservation education post in Maratua Island

Yayasan Konservasi RASI. 2018. Laporan Teknis.Hasil Monitoring di Teluk Balikpapan pasca kejadian tumpahan minyak. Laporan untuk BPSPL Pontianak.